As I walk on the beach at dusk,
In tune with the rolling waves,
I feel the breeze run its fingers through my hair,
And I'm away from the bustle of the morbid world.
Walking almost next to the setting sun,
With tears flowing down my cheeks,
I turn around to behold,
A single trail of footprints on the sand.
I remember the time we promised,
To walk on this beach together,
To turn around and look at our footprints on the sand,
But now there is only a single pair...just mine.
Today I walk all alone,without you beside me,
There is noone to walk my walk with me,
When my steps falter, there is none to support,
I fall down and have to help myself up.
My footprints remind me, how alone I am,
Without you I'm so lost,
How I wish my steps would lead me to you,
But alas, all they do is wander into oblivion.
When You look down at me from the Kingdom of God,
Love don't weep for me , just guide me,
Guide me to take the right steps,
And to take each stride with confidence,
I turn around and look at my footprints,
Now I realise you kept your part of the promise,
You were always there beside me,
You are present within me and as my shadow...
September 24, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Yesterday I was listening to Carnatic Chills by the brothers Ganesh and Kumaresh. Their first composition made me want to dance. And I danced to it and it was after a long time that I finally danced. The next music in the cd was Fire and Water. I felt so broken when I listened to it. I closed my eyes and was listening to the song. I suddenly had this urge to write something.
click here to listen to the song
While I was listening to the music, words just flowed into the paper. I wrote about Radha waiting for her Krishna in Vrindavan.Their love story has been told by many and there is none who has loved like them.
But before I put the poem up I must also thank a very wonderful person G S Khetanchi who allowed me to use his picture Mayur Pankh for this poem. His depiction of Radha is exactly like how I saw her in my mind. Thank you so much Sir.Krishna....
Oh Krishna, Where are you,my lord?
Are you sneaking up behind the bushes-
Waiting for a chance to startle me?
Or are you still in Madhura-
Mesmerizing the people with your antics?
Oh Krishna,my heart yearns for you,
My body pines for your arms around it,
My eyes desire to be lost in the depth of yours,
My ears ache to listen to your flute,
My tongue craves for the taste of your sweat.
Oh Krishna ,have you forgotten,
I 'm here in our Vrindavan awaiting your arrival?
Till then I need neither food nor water.
Your memories would keep me alive.
Need no life my Lord, unless that life is with you.
Oh Krishna, its for you I search everywhere
In butterflies,bees,flowers,fruits,trees;
In animals, birds, earth and sky; where are you my love?
I promise you I will remain yours forever,
For I know nothing else, other than your love.
Sept 21st, 2009