Ananya means One in a million...

Ananya's spot is an excellent contrivance for recording my various musings,aphorisms and autobiographical reflections.

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Monday, November 1, 2010

Mommy hues...

Test case #1

1> Mom comes back home tired from office and after shopping for grocery and stuff
2> Go straight to the kitchen to knead the dough for chapatis
3> Kids bring the fight for a packet of paste into the kitchen
4> Mom asks for the paste to be given to her
5> In a fit of fury she throws the paste to the kitchen loft

Expected Result:

Kids understand mom is angry. Be quite and go to their rooms
Mom finishes her cooking in peace

Observed Result:

Elder son: Wow, Amma super short
Younger son: Amazing Amma

Mom caught in a fit of laughter...and asks husband...why me?!!!!


Shyamjithe Nair said...

ahaha , I loved it , Professional Mom!!!

Anonymous said...

listen i miss u