This blog entry is a love letter... yes I did write this, but never sent it to anyone!:D...
Hubby dear, when u read this u may be misled into thinking that it was written to u... but if u do think like that i dont mind!:) [Being on the safer see]
Actually these words were written just on the spur of the moment when i wanted 2 write a love letter,I wanted to write all these things so the person I would eventually love would know how I so truly feel....This letter was written around 8-10 years back!
hmmm...yeah, there was a time when i wanted to just write anything..and this came up thus!!
STATUTORY WARNING: This letter is not meant for anyone in particular!Reading this letter is not hazardous to your heart. I give you every right to copy the content and sent it to the one you love...(I'll b glad to be the cupid!)
Dear Someone,
We dont choose how we fall in love, not where, not even the person....the cupid strings his bow, strikes his arrow and we fall in love.
The only certainity is this- when love finds us, it kindles a flame in our soul that softens the edges between us and changes the way we see each other and the world around us. has kindled that flame in my soul and I know that you do feel the same too.Everyday expectantly I await your arrival,to guide me through the day and fill the day with memories for me to hold tight and sleep in the night.
Looking into your eyes transports me into another world where LOVE is the only language spoken. Feeling your touch makes me want to melt in your arms. Hearing your voice, it's a different feeling altogether. Loving you is more exciting than anything that has ever happened to me before.
Darling,when things are changing around us and the world seems to be moving at a much faster pace..Don't forget..I will be right there beside you,loving you and caring for you. I was made for you and for you I will always be there. Sometimes I want to hold your hands and take you to the farthest horizon,where a world awaits just for us...But sometimes I guess saying,"I love you" says it all and expresses everything!
Love you forever and always